ParaView User Day Europe 2024

Kitware Europe is delighted to announce the second edition of the ParaView User Day Europe !

This event is a great opportunity for users and developers to learn about the latest features and capabilities of ParaView as well as connect with other members of the community.

The ParaView User Day will take place on Thursday, September 26 in Lyon (France) and will feature presentations from ParaView Users and Developers, hands-on tutorials and demos, as well as Q&A sessions with Kitware Europe’s team.


Duration 1 day
Type on-site event
Date Thursday, September 26 2024
Schedule 8:30am to 6pm
Location ENS Lyon – Amphitheatre Descartes – Lyon, France
Price Free for all, registration required

Program, Speakers and Sponsors will be updated regularly in the coming weeks.

Stay tuned!


Tim Gerrits

Tim Gerrits

Dr.-Ing. at RWTH Aachen University

Tim will present « Connecting Research Communities: Enabling Scientific Visualization for High Performance Computing« 

From 2019 until 2021, he worked as a postdoctoral researcher at the University of Münster, Germany, with a focus on Visual Analytics approaches for ensemble and uncertain data.
Since 2021, Tim leads the Crosssectional Group Visualization at the National High Performance Computing Center for Computational Engineering Sciences (NHR4CES) as well as the Visualization Group at RWTH Aachen University, Germany.
